YEah..! Punyeta! BumBay!! Bugz buNNy.. KoKEy! Florante! hI fWend!...
Souldia boY!.. Cadburry!.. deDeca!.. jakEcoOl!.. eMo!.. Mommy!.. porEber Slim!
pEsticiDes!.. kitty gurlz..! tahong boyz!...
.. words dat are spoken! words dat had been made
.. true enuf, dis year has ended at last, but it is not da end of everything! we've
just made a completion of so called
.. II-D class had made it ol da way!
..It made it's final test a satisfactory! Even it's not beyond the best.. still it's been a
worthwhile year
..II-D class had proven many things..It bulit joys, anger, quarrels, jokes, stories and other out of the world thinsg.
and it is rilly proven,
it's a new way for others and 4 ourselves
..II-D class had continued dreaming
..It got it's highest expectation and for 1 year in riding da same boat 2geder..
we had built teamwork, as well as, self confidence..
..II-D class stands up from da rest.. New friends are made and some old friends had gone. Yet, each one's life
had continued reaching 4 it's
heavenly stars.
..II-D class known each oder better!
boys ng II-DDon
"da kickout"Paulo
"da joker"Craig
"da Emo"
"Mr. Florante" 
"Cowsing"Jan Vince
"Bugz Bunny"Angel
"Souldia boy" Lawrence
"Music Lover"Carl
"Xiao Xiao"
"Smart Kid"Louie
girls ng II-D
"Hi Fwend"Jessa
"Ptl! haha"Gracielle
"Wazzup tree"
"Emo ka na din?"
"Nice romlex!"Karen
"Nice King"
"nice Craig"Marian
"New friend"
"Boy to!"Rigel
"Nice Renato"Jen
"Nice Ernest"
"Nice Jake"
"Loiue is dat u?"Aileen
"da Singer"
"Hyper"..II-D class lupets da teachers!
Ms. Steh (science teacher)
=will miss genetics!
Ms. Lala(english teacher)
=SRA teu! haha
Ms. Myra(math teacher)
=mdli lng yang math!
Ms. Mel(a.p. teacher)
=naks, nakaligts sa kaso nia!Ms. Irma(H.E. teacher)
=Naks! may bag na kme!
Sir Jouf(Computer teacher)
Sir Joi(P.E. teacher)
=nice! ^^Sir Aries(Art teacher)
=yeah! chibee characters!Sir Chino(Music Teacher)
=let's get it onnnnSir Jonald(Shop teacher)
=napaso aq sa soldering! haha
2 all Cl Teachers
=tnx sa lessons!and of course 4
Ms. Irene
=Malupet yan! haha
=will miss you!
..II-D class had failed many times
.. Many mistakes are done, mga galit at asran. 4 dat, da class become more stronger
And dey prove that
dey are capable in loving and capable 2 be loved.!
.. II-D class had achieve many stars.. As we proceeded int his one long school year, we've been endowed with many powers,
each one of us had gone out from it's shell and fly above da sky.
We've join many, we've lost a lot, but we've proven so much!
As we all luk bak, II-d class will juz be a picture in a frame. And as we settle each one's destiny, don't 4get 2 luk bak! Cause II-D class made you werever you are!
"This is da ending, this is the end of dis epistle! and we surely know II-d story is not yet completely done, but for each one of us ..... it is enough"-yhmmahn^^-

"As night-fall does not come at once, neither does oppression... It is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air — however slight — lest we become victims of the darkness." Justice William O. Douglas
It is the near future, and Vincent/Jerome Morrow has a problem. A genetic problem. He is an imperfect man in a perfect world.
Every day it seems as if people are discovering new uses for the human genetic code. Hardly a day passes when there isn't a researcher who claims to have found another miracle gene. One for obesity, for cancer, for asthma, for manic-depression, and so forth. Gene therapy is on the rise, already some people have been used for the first leading forms of treatments, using recombinant DNA, injected by genetically-altered viruses. There is even talk (and perhaps an attempt) to clone a human. Ever since the decryption of the human genetic code, a burst of new research in the field of genetics has occurred, and certainly, as our ability to manipulate our DNA increases, so too will the debate over designer babies escalate.
GATTACA is a refreshing and fascinating view into the possibilities which lie ahead, should humanity continue on its present path. On one hand it depicts a clean society: of cars run on electricity, fields of solar energy, and advanced space exploration. Under this thin veneer, however, lies a dark world stagnating under the simple fact of genetic purity and lack of individuality. It ends on an optimistic note, however, quite uncharacteristic of a dystopia. At the end Jerome/Vincent succeeds in his dreams, despite his shortcomings, proving that imperfect humans can succeed in the GATTACA world. The end result leaves us with one question: Who knows what lies ahead? And that is an interesting quandary for us all to ponder and act on — for better or for worse.
By: Harriet Paguyo
Gattaca is a movie about the genetics. They descriminate people who are naturally fertilized. In that scene, the scene happens in the future and if we say future, more inventions.
In the movie, there was a machine that can make perfect babies. But Vincent is not a perfect baby. So his parents liked his brother more because his brother was perfectly made.
Jerome Murrow, got paralyzed because he had an accident when he went swimming with Vincent. He sell his identity to Vincent so that Vincent will no be descriminated.
He sell to Vincent his blood,his skin,and everything of his body. He even scru his body for Vincent. He did all of that just for Vincent can pursue his dreams before he die. To be in space. Vincent knew when hw will die.
Fo me, The genetic descrimination that Vincent experienced is wrong. It is not good to make perfect babies because God made us not perfect so I am not also approving of it because for me, people who have experienced that is not only affected their whole lives but also their emotions. So I just wish it will not happen in the future because it is really really wrong.
Gatacca is a nice movie and full of lesson and alo futuristic.
by: Gracielle Beatriz B. Cenit
HS II-DLabels: Gracielle Beatriz B Cenit
Before I started this reaction paper, I made a research on the film entitled GATTACA. As I was doing my research, I got more interested on the film. I found out that this film was a 1997 science fiction drama and was all about the reproductive technologies which facilitate eugenics or the science concerned with improving the genetic traits of a breed or species, especially the human species, and the possible consequences of such technological developments for society. Children of the middle and upper classes are selected through pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to ensure they possess the best hereditary traits of their parents. A genetic registry database uses biometrics to instantly identify and classify those so created as valid while those conceived by traditional means are known as faith births, god children and in-valid. The title was composed of the initial letters of the four DNA nucleotides: A for adenine, C for cytosine, G for guanine and T for thymine.
The main character was Vincent who wasn’t conceived through reproductive technologies, suffered from the nearly eradicated physical dysfunctions of myopia and congenital heart defect. He was given a life expectancy of 30.2 years. He, therefore, was facing a great genetic discrimination. Vincent was a janitor but his dream was to be an astronaut and determined to be one. And this determination persuaded him to do “everything” to achieve this dream.
Luckily, he met Jerome Eugene Morrow. Jerome was a valid person, who attempted to commit suicide by jumping in front of a car, and failed. And he only succeeded in paralyzing himself from waist down. He then sold his identity to Vincent. Thus, Vincent needed to undergo orthopedic surgery to increase his height and use contact lenses to replace his glasses to match Jerome's eyes. He used Jerome’s DNA in blood, tissue and urine samples to pass any genetic test as long as he makes sure not to leave traces of his real identity as an in-valid.
After Vincent bought Jerome’s identity, he effortlessly got a skilled job in the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation. But a week before Vincent aboard on a spacecraft for Saturn's satellite, Titan, the mission manager was massacred and an evidence of Vincent's own DNA in an eyelash was found. The existence of this unexpected in-valid DNA caught the attention of the police. So, Vincent avoided the security as his scheduled mission launch date drew nearer. He made a relationship with Irene, who worked in the same company. At the end of the story, he finally achieved his dream.
The film presents a biopunk vision of a society driven by new eugenics. And this society is governed by genetic discrimination. Though I believe that this could possibly happen in the future, I do not think I would agree to such discriminating society. Simply because I believe that every man has the right to any professional ambition and employment, and is entitled to work for his destiny. Don’t you agree with me?
Submitted by: Joselle Ann Orquiza II-D
Labels: j0seLLe aNn oRqUizA

EVOLUTION The satisfaction of curious minds can never be drenched over with full-bloom answers if we are to confer the fundamental topic, evolution. Until now, it remains but largely as theoretical assumptions of significant people who parley knowledge that remains assumed by non-skeptic individuals, yet has never been proven clearly factual by any of those great thinkers. Evolution in its biological sense, whether a science fact or a fiction for me doesn’t matter any more, for the vitality in its existence alone has procured man its sources for its survival years back then and will continue to contribute to man’s learning years from now.
In its simplest definition as how I have come to understand, evolution is the way in which the characteristics of living things change over time. It is only considered evolutionary if changes in populations are heritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next, meaning, that the development of an individual organism is not considered evolution, thus change in the properties or groups of populations of organisms over the course of generations should be otherwise observed.
Different theories on evolution paved its ways to the present sciences; some even has proven to turn as partly factual while other still remains theoretical. An example of a theory that for me has strong basis is Darwin’s theory of natural selection. According to his studies, only successful animals will survive over time- animals with useless characteristics will either become extinct or will adapt. He specifically noted that evolution had adapted the beaks of finches (small bird) on the Galapagos Islands to suit different foods. This theory is more often than not associated with the cliché ‘survival of the fittest’. Charles Darwin has successfully pointed out that maybe, statistically; man did evolve from a lower form of life. Another theory on evolution is the theory of Creationism, it is the belief in the biblical account of the creation of the world. Although really, creation has nothing to do with science, still it takes part on the study of evolution.
Really indeed the process of learning about evolution is a indispensable part of a well-rounded student's education exactly because of the fact that it is a statistically proven science and to do away with it in turn revokes the student of the ability to acquire the most refined knowledge that one will ever have and will ever found useful for his/her future endearments in the fields of science
by: pauline uy
(a film all about genetics)
1. What was the film all about? Who is Vincent? What made him do all those things?
The film is all about GENETICS. It shows futuristic views about genes. The main character is Vincent, a human that is naturally made. he doesn't have any touch of Science. What made him do all those things? its because he wants to go to the space before he die because he already knew when he will die.
2. Who is Jerome Morrow? Why did he sell his identity to Vincent? What are the things that both of them have to do to ensure the vincent's identity is kept safe?
Jerome Morrow is a human who has a genetics superior than the others. he sell his identity to Vincent because he is disabled. But selling it is not as easy as giving, they need to do many things so that Vincent's identity can be hidden, which is a low class gene, and show what Jerome have, which has a superior gene. Some of the things they do is the blood of Jerome shold be given to Vincent, and Vincent put it on a plastic which he put it on his fingers so everytime thjere is a checking, the blood of Jerome is the one being read. Also, Vincent always need to scrub his whole body so that the skin cells won't be recognized by others.
3. What do you feel about the genetic discrimination during Vincent's time? Do you approve of it? Why? Why not?
I feel sad about the genetic discrimination because that's not right. They are trying to make humans perfect and it's against God. Human should be made naturally not artificially. I'm also against it because there is no more thrill in your life if you already know what will happen to you like the sickness you might acquired and the estimated age you might die.

This reaction paper is going to sum up everything that has been changed in my life since I started studying it. It will talk about my different outlooks that have been changed, and it will also tell my different emotions while studying Biology for one whole year.
Honestly speaking, Biology became one of my most favorite subjects in my entire life. Well I think I loved it because it talks about life, for it is the “study of life”. I learned how to appreciate life better because we always talk about the different concepts that are really complex, for us to really understand what’s happening about life. From the simplest topics, up to the most complicated ones, it taught me everything I need to know, for me not to be ignorant in this living and changing world.
My most favorite topic was all about the different body systems, evolution and genetics. In the body systems, I learned their different functions, even the smallest part in each system has its own job to do. Just to not have one part will make you completely lifeless. Next is evolution. This was our last topic for the year, but still, it had made an impact on me. I already knew what the different theories are trying to point out. They’re not telling us that we should not believe on corresponding religions, but they’re just telling us the possible where we came and why we all evolve.
Last is genetics. This topic was like WOW. I never thought that I would learn something like this in my life. All about the chromosomes and all, how offsprings get their own unique traits from their parents, the different syndromes and abnormalities that people experience when they lack a genetic material, and of course, it made me realized that all humans are unique, no matter what they are or how they look like. I also realized that we don’t have the right to criticize, mock, or ridicule each person that we see, because we were all made unique, and that will make us perfectly beautiful.
These were the things that I learned. These were the topics that had really made an impact on me. They changed some of my outlooks, and that makes me really happy studying Biology. But the greatest thing that I have learned in it is that we SHOULD value life more than ever. We were all created uniquely and equally, and that’s already one of the best reasons why we should live life to the fullest. Biology gave me a lot of reasons why I should treasure my life here on earth. Biology is nice. Biology is fun. Biology is cool. Biology is LOVE. ü

Gattaca is a great movie starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law. it is all about genetic discrimination that is very possible to happen in the future. and Vincent (Ethan Hawke) is the main character.
Ethan Hawke
Uma Thurman
Jude LawSince he was born, they knew that he would have a lot of sickness and diseases, because he was born naturally, which is not common in their time anymore. Their common way to give birth is to modify their babies' DNA to create perfect babies. Then he had a brother, that is born the common way in their time, he is a perfect baby. So they were always compared and Vincent is always the weaker one.
Since Vincent was young, he dreamed to be in space. So in order to reach his dream, he studied very much. After some time, he worked as a janitor for a space administration. in that time, he felt so near yet so far from his dream to go to space.
He found Jerome (Jude Law), he was selling his identity because he's crippled already and he can't swim. Then Vincent worked hard for them to look alike. Everyday, he ries to get rid of every single detail that can reveal his true identity. Then one of their employee died and investigators found an eyelash near the crime scene, it belongs to Vincent. He was so close to being caught. But in the end, he managed to reach his dream. Oh Uma Thurman was the leading lady xD.
Clearly, this movie shows genetic discrimination which, i repeat, can happen in the future. So what exactly is genetic discrimination? It is just like racism in our time, the only difference is its not about the color of the skin anymore, its about the genes. I think discrimination is really really upsetting...Because no one has the right to put other people down and insult them...Every person has their good side. But other people judge by the way we look, the color of our skin, or where they came from, or in Vincent's case...their genes.
-Lara Ysabel R Trinidad ^-^

Those Gorgeous people up there are the proof of life's greatest miracle...The Human Body.Yes they are pretty hot when you look at them but hey...the insides are prettier!
Well literally,that's biology. Its anything about life,body and every living organism inside your body. Its a lot of effort to teach every detail to a class like ours. But well, what do you know. We have this pretty teacher who taught us pretty stuffs. so its kind'a pretty to learn how to become pretty. Got it?
So there, back to where i started. I am now a smart daughter of God. I know how to appreciate life at its best. It gave me the power to judge people not ONLY because of the powerful stare and sexiness of the person but the GENE and the DNA that made it look like what he look like.
No, biology didn't make the maniac outt'a me. It gave me the knowledge of what's inside every person. No person can have dimples without his cells. No person can smile that cute without his blood, his tissues, his brain that gave him the signal to do so. Biology brought out the scientist out of me. It gave me the reason behind every organism's traits, every surgery, and why some people have nothing to eat.
Are you getting the point? This subject taught us, students everything. It is the basic structure of our living. So there.
Aside from the facts and knowledge, i would like to thank my teacher for letting us know the importance of life through fun activities and discussions.
*Now it gives me chills to kill mosquitoes 'round my back T_______T*
I am no more than your servant,
Rigel May P. Habon =3
im'ma miss that person who taught us this part.
Ms. Steh T___T
yoe yoe yoe.
Labels: Rigel May Habon =3
i have 2 favorite topics about genetics:constructing punnet squareschromosome Abernationsi love constructing punnet squares because in constructing punnet squares, you dont need to memorize even the simplest details, analyzing the problems is the only thing needed .as we study this lesson, i have encountered many challenging questions that enables me to expand my knowledge in solving. It is very interesting and it has no formulas.Just concentrate and you'll get a perfect score..yipeeAbout chromosome abernation specifically cases of non-disjunction and some abnormalities of the sex chromosomes.Why?It is quite a shocking topic for example klinefetter's syndrome just a trisomy of an extra x-chromosomes and whoa.. you got an undeveloped testes, female characteristics like breast formations asteeg! i wish i could study more about this because its significant too, for us to be aware regarding the issues that has something to do with us..well this things might happen in the future so.. -Farrah Garcia
Labels: my favorites..
-Is the area of biology concerned with the study of inheritance,the process by w/c certain characteristics are passed from parent to offspring. Based on my research, modern genetics began in 1865 when the austrian monk Gregor Mendel discuss the inheritance patterns of the garden pea and provided a new way of looking at hereditary..galing noh? His work went unnoticed until 1900, when it was rediscovered by 3 scientists, who performed the same experiments and arrived at the same conclusions reached by gregor mendel.It is now known that genes dictate the characteristic structures and functions of all organisms and these characteristics are passed on from parent to offspring. It is also known that the variety of hereditary traits are caused by the variations in the genes themselves..
-Farrah Garcia
Labels: genetics
The theory of evolution is a naturalistic theory of the history of life on earth(this refers to the theory of evolution which employs methodological naturalism and is used when the teaching the theory of evolution in schools and universities.)Merriam- Webster's dictionary gives the following definition of evolution;"A Theory that the various of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishing differences are due to modifications in successive generations.[1]Since the WW 2 a majority of the most prominent and vocal defenders of the theory of evolution which employs methodological naturalism have been atheists....although the defenders of the theory of evolution contend there is evidence that supports the theory of evolution,there are many who are against the theory of evolution and state there are many problems with the theory of evolution....
EVOLUTION is a biological phenomenon that involves changes in a species over time.The changes may be continous.They accumulate through many generations up to a point when the later generation can no longer mate with the ancestral form and produce fertile offspring......
>CHARLES BONNET was the first evolutionist who use the term "evolution".
>GEORGE DE BUFFON was the first evolutionist to define the term "species".
>ERASMUS DARWIN was the grandfather of charles.he noted that in breeding,some changes can be seen from one generation to the next,though the changes are small.
>JEAN BAPTIST DE LAMARCK was the one who observed the fossils of extinct invertebrates looked like the primitive forms of modern animals.These could be the ancestors of some of the invertebrates today.
>AUGUST WEISMANN was the one who disproven Lamarck's doctrine.He concluded that changes in the body during an individuals lifetime do not affect its reproductive cells,but this not affect its offspring........
>CHARLES DARWIN he was the first one who changed biology like no idea ever had...
"On The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection or The Preservations of Favored Races in the Struggle For Life."
>These are the theories of evolution that will really help you know the importances of all the living things here in the world....
Thats why I like our discussion about this....Thats all!!!
The satisfaction of curious minds can never be drenched over with full-bloom answers if we are to confer the fundamental topic, evolution. Until now, it remains but largely as theoretical assumptions of significant people who parley knowledge that remains assumed by non-skeptic individuals, yet has never been proven clearly factual by any of those great thinkers. Evolution in its biological sense, whether a science fact or a fiction for me doesn’t matter any more, for the vitality in its existence alone has procured man its sources for its survival years back then and will continue to contribute to man’s learning years from now.
In its simplest definition as how I have come to understand, evolution is the way in which the characteristics of living things change over time. It is only considered evolutionary if changes in populations are heritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next, meaning, that the development of an individual organism is not considered evolution, thus change in the properties or groups of populations of organisms over the course of generations should be otherwise observed.
Different theories on evolution paved its ways to the present sciences; some even has proven to turn as partly factual while other still remains theoretical. An example of a theory that for me has strong basis is Darwin’s theory of natural selection. According to his studies, only successful animals will survive over time- animals with useless characteristics will either become extinct or will adapt. He specifically noted that evolution had adapted the beaks of finches (small bird) on the Galapagos Islands to suit different foods. This theory is more often than not associated with the cliché ‘survival of the fittest’. Charles Darwin has successfully pointed out that maybe, statistically; man did evolve from a lower form of life. Another theory on evolution is the theory of Creationism, it is the belief in the biblical account of the creation of the world. Although really, creation has nothing to do with science, still it takes part on the study of evolution.
Really indeed the process of learning about evolution is a indispensable part of a well-rounded student's education exactly because of the fact that it is a statistically proven science and to do away with it in turn revokes the student of the ability to acquire the most refined knowledge that one will ever have and will ever found useful for his/her future endearments in the fields of science.

The film is all about the genetic discrimination that would happen in the future. it's quite realistic though there is a huge lesson that it points out. And the lesson is about acceptance. Also, the film is about the tactics of two people to which they show very good expertise in the field of genetic identity.
Vincent is the lead character. He is somehow bothered in this genetic discrimination and he is reassuring also that he would fulfill his ambition to go to outer space. He is in need for the truth that it's not the genes that made us who we are, but it's about the life that we've lived.
Vincent did that because it's his only way to prove that he won't give up his ambition, and because he want to prove to his family that he can do it.
Jerome Morrow is the genetically superior who works lately on the space station, he is a friend of Vincent and helps Vincent in his agenda.
He sold his identity to Vincent because he recognizes Vincent's agenda and also he was crippled because of swimming so he considers himself useless (if not for Vincent).
Jerome helps Vincent in taking in his identity by taking his own blood samples, urine and other genetic informationthat will make Vincent the Jerome Morrow, that all of them know. Also, he used all of these genetic informations from him in giving Vincent his own identity.
I feel disappointed because it might also happen to us in the future and that we will look for perfectionism, the way we wanted it to be. I clearly don't approve of it, because as I've said, genes do not make up of who we are. They are just characteristics that we've inherited from our parents. What makes us ourselves right now is the insights that we've learned and the experiences in life. It's the counterpart of acceptance itself.
by: Alyanna Louise Mendoza
Genetics is the science of heredity and variation in living organisms. Inheritance in organisms occurs by means of of traits or genes. This was first observed by Gregor Mendel. He studied the heritable traits in pea plants. Organisms with two copies of same allele are called
HOMOZYGOUS, and organisms with two different alleles are called
But what is an allele?
ALLELES are discrete versions of the same gene.
the set of alleles for a given organism is called its genotype. and the observable trait the organism has is called the phenotype. when one organism is heterozygous, one allele is dominant and the other is recessive. Dominant alleles are abbreviated with a capital letter while the recessive alleles are lowercase of the given letter. when organisms reproduce sexually, their offspring inherit one of the two alleles from each parent. the outcome of the crosses can be visualized by use of
PUNNET SQUARE. this observation of the segregation of alleles are known as "Mendel's First Law" or the "Law of Segregation".
I learned alot from the lesson Genetics because it is very easy to understand. At first i thought that it is difficult, but its not! its "chicken" haha. joke. I enjoyed solving the genotype, phenotype like that because it is easy to do. And when i solve it i feel like i'm so intelligent, i feel like i'm a genius. haha.
**jessamaine cedron**
Based on what I have learned...Gregor Johann Mendel is the "Father of classical genetics".And DOGMA is being classified as "principle","idea","belief","conviction".According to FRANCIS CRICK, the sequence involved in the expression of heredity characteristics.
DNA->RNA->PROTEIN.And also according to WATSON CRICK,DNA model(double helix);GENETIC MATERIAL->PROTEIN SYNTHESIS->YOU.....synthesis building forms protein or formation...
The Difference between DNA and RNA.........
DNA has genetic material,phosphate group,deoxyribose sugar,has nitrogen bases:adenine,guanine,cytosine,and thymine and has a double-stranded helix.........
RNA has protein synthesis,phosphate group,ribose sugar,nitrogen bases:adenine,guanine,cytosine,and uracil,and has a single-stranded and straight helix...
DNA REPLICATION is part of DNA synthesis and its process of duplication of new DNA molecule with the same base sequence as the original DNA molecule....It is SEMICONSERVATIVE or the 2 old strands will serve as the template for the formation of 2 new strands....
and Its SEMIDISCONTINOUS or the new strands formed are attached by fragments.(OKAZAKI fragments)....
RNA TRANSCRIPTION is the process by which genetic information from DNA is transferred into RNA.DNA sequence is enzymatically copied by messenger RNA(mRNA)to produce a complementary nucleotide transfer RNA(tRNA)strand...its one significant difference between DNA and RNA sequence is the presence of URACIL in RNA instead of the thymine of DNA......
RNA TRANSLATION is the process of translating RNA message (from mRNA)into protein with help of transfer RNA (tRNA).This uses an mRNA sequence as a template to guide the synthesis of a chain of amino acids that form a protein..Translation follows the TRIPLET CODE in synthesizing a chain of amino acid that forms a protein,...
These are the lessons that I have learned that really make my mind full of many folders of informations about the things that I have learned...
**********MENDELIAN LAWS OF GENETICS*************
>when alleles for two contrasting traits are present in the same individual,the dominant trait is expressed but the recessive trait is not...
>two genes for a character separate during the formation of gametes.
>genes for different characters are transmitted independently from one generation to the next...
-according to what I have learned to this lesson, this is the lesson that is so very easy to be learned and this is the most exciting lesson because this is my first time to encounter this kind of computation in science which really makes me be addicted to it....
This kind of process is what are scientist in the pass decades used and this lesson must be learned by everyone because if you just want to learn it by yourself just use this process that Gregor Mendel use when they was having a research about this processes...
I was very shock when our teacher said that this lesson was used to be college students lesson...I'm happy because we were advance in our lessons...when I ask some of my previous classmates in my previous school about the lesson they really don't know anything about it..Thats why i like this lesson...
The first time I learned this it was kind a hard for me but when I try and try its very easy...Thats all!!!
Labels: **********GENETICS***************
king pador ii dWhen i watched this movie i realized that discrimination is not good for us becaused its bad. In this movie, they discriminate people that are innocentbecaused they want people that have perfect genes to be on their communityand in this film also i saw two kinds of person, it has invalid and valid. Invalidare people that hasn't have perfect genes and valid are people that have perfect genes. The characters in this movie is Vincent and Jerome. Jerome sell his identity to Vincent becaused his feet is already paralyzed so he sell it, and soVincent buy it becaused he is invalid. So they keep there secret becaused the police is investigating them.
genetics-is a discipline of biology,is the science of heredity and variation in living organism.When we've watch a movie about genetics,the film titled GATTACA.Gattaca is a good movie for genetics cause you've seen there how to change the genetic form of their child.On that movie their was a boy who don't have a great gene,cause of he haven't have a good gene he could'nt enroll to a school.Until he have a brother who have a good gene,and he always challenge his brother to a swimming but he always lose their.Until he've grown up,the boy's dream is to went to outer space,so he've enter to a space admin.And he's job their is a janitor.Then until he find a guy who sell's his identity,so he immediately know that guy and buy it,so he can enter to the space admin for his dream to go to the space.But before that he must have all the detail of the guy who sell's he's identity,he must have the face,height.etc.When he was in the work he's co-worker was murdered,When the investigator is finding a cluethey've found an eyelashes.Then they've search a person who have an invalid one.I'm not going to tell the whole story but you've seen how they change the genetic format of a person.--edrei lumacang--
The film Gattaca was all about a man who sell his identity to a man that has imperfect genes. This film was a good one.. Hehe.. Vincent was the one who buy the identity of Jerome morrow. Vincent buy Jerome's identity because he was being discriminated by his imperfection on his genes. Jerome Morrow was the one who sell the identity to Vincent. He sell his identity to Vincent because he can't use the perfect genes he has and because his feet was paralyzed. Jerome and Vincent ensures that they will not be caught on what they are doing and their secrets will be kept safe.
I feel sad about the genetic discrimination during Vincents time because for me its unfair! I really don't approve it because it's sad to know that those who have imperfect genes can't achieve their goals!!!!! It's really unfair to others... But i like the story of it.. It's really nice. I love it!!!...
I don't think that imperfect genes are enough to discriminate others because they are not the basis of who we really are. They are just characteristics and not the measurement of our personality. Some may have imperfect genes but they can be a good man. While others may have perfect genes but can't really be a good man. If i were in the place of Vincent i would also buy the identity of Jerome because i want to achieve my dreams.. I would also want to prove them that i can be somebody even though my genes are imperfect.
.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.~aLeXiS bEaU mAmAnGuN~.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.
"In most aspects, all creatures are alike; what differentiates them from another is what we called appearance."
For me, genetics is one of my favorite topic in Biology. Because it is fun and enjoyable when it comes to solving the problems. But first comes to mind... what is Genetics? Genetics is the science that deals with heredity and the factors affecting transmissions of characteristics from one generation to another. It attempts to describe similarities and differences among organisms or variations. It also explains the characteristics transmitted from one parent generation to the next generation of offspring. I learned a lot from Genetics. Because We have monohybrid cross, the basic easiest sub-topic of genetics, dihybrid cross, the hardest and confusing part because when we go to the punnett square my mind confuse because of dihybrid cross especially when we reach the genotype because I have to count how many alleles inside the punnett square because when you make one mistake the data may get wrong. The rest of the sub-topics in genetics is easy because the rest are monohybrid only. No more difficult problems and more.
I have another special cases of heredity so that we can learn more some special cases like sickle-cell anemia and Huntington Disease.
1. Sickle-cell anemia - is inherited as a pair of this kind of alleles. This condition derives its name from the fact that blood cells in the affected individuals are often shaped like sickles. The red blood cells are bent and twisted like sickles. The disorder is caused by a change in one of the polypeptides found in hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein that caries oxygen in red blood cells. A person who is inflicted by this disease is deprived by oxygen. If this happens, the hemoglobin molecules join together to form fibers. These fibers cause red blood cells to change its shape.
2. Huntington Disease - is produced by a single dominant allele (S). People with this disease show no symptoms until they are in their 30's or 40's. At that stage, gradual damage to their nervous system begins. The symptoms include a painful progressive loss of muscle control and mental functions until death occurs.
-----MaRiAn PaTrIcIa MaE V. MaLiNao-----
It is a branch of biology that deals with the study of heredity. This the reason why closely related person resemble each other. It is also use in advance science especially in medical study for improving or discovering new diseases especially in cancer. With this advance technology it is easy to know or to trace your real identity. It also help in solving crimes especially if it involves life.
Scientist also use genetics not only to human but also to plants and animals. Biologist improve varieties of plants, crops, fruits and animals. With this, food production will not be a problem. Investors or businessmen are willing to risk their money for this because of the big income thet it will give them. But this business is really a big risk.
With this studies, human or morality is involve. There are issues in western country involove in genetics and this is cloning. Cloning is a process of making a duplicate of a living organism. It was a big issue when it involves cloning a human being which is a limitation of human. Nothing is imposible now to science but we should always keep in mind that also have limitation.
~ karen loraine mercado :) ~
"We are all brothers, we need each one's importance for our survival. We are all connected as one, being part of the same cycle. Why we should befall one from another?"

" iT's not yet tHe tIme to
Give up! We can still hold
the cHanges, and AS we
pArtake in this unfOldeD
coMMUntiy, We must Reach
oNE aNother for our better,
for their better."
An endangered species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in number, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. An endangered species is usually a taxonomic species, but may be another evolutionary significant unit.
Different Kinds Of EXtinction<<<<<<<<<<
Extinct: last remaining member of the species has died or presumed beyond reasonable to die. Example: Thaylacine

Extinct in the wild: captive individuals survive, but there is no free-living, natural population.
Example: Alagoas Curassow
Critically endangered: faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future. Example: Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Endangered: faces a very high risk of extinction in the near future. Example: Snow Leopard

Vulnerable: faces a high risk of extinction in the medium-term. Example: Lion

Least Concern: no immediate threat to the survival of the species. Example: Brown Rat

->>>eMMANUEL mARI c. rIVERA<<<-
Evolution A biological phenomenon wherein a species changes over time.The changes are small but continous accumulating over time until the time comes where the species that evolves can no longer mate with their anscestors.Evidences of Evolution Fossil Record-Fossils are remains of organisms that have been preserved by natural processes over time. Variation-It refers to the different variety of species within a population and also implies that related organisms share a common anscestor. Similarities in Developmental Stages-Through comparative embroyology, it has been found that related organisms develop embroyologically in a very similar way. Similarities in Structure-Through comparative anatomy,it has been said that organisms having very similar structures have very close evolutionary ties. The 2 types are: 1)Homologous Structures Structures are similar and inherited from a common anscestor
2)Analogous Structures
Structures that are similar on purpose though they are not inherited from a common anscestor.
Mutation-Refers to any change in the hereditary material which is also the ultimate source of new traits in a population.
The 2 types are:
1)Spontaneous Mutation
Mutation takes place in nature.It is random and occurs at a slow rate.
2)Induced Mutation
Mutation done at a laboratory therefore it is artificial and occurs at a higher rate.
Molecular Biology-It has been found out that organisms that are closely related have more DNA and Proteins in common compared to those that are distantly related.
----Kurt Kevin Suliguin----
----II-D Ki Tse----
This are the species that we may not see tommorow because of the people that sorrounds them.
And, they may lost IN OUR INSIDE WORLD and we must stop them in temptation and deliver them in safe places to multiply them and erase the name endangered on their race or type .
For like us we can't do much thing for this but we can spread the word of safetiness of this ENDANGERED SPECIES
I can't post pictures but you can imagine the eagles being shot and spilling of their blood in the floor and "pawikan" being eaten by me.We can stop all of the brutal killing and eating to this creatures who can't fight back to enemies - Carl Mesina
Let us save all animals because other animals make color and entertainment in our life
Endangered Species
Endangered species- are the species that has a high chance of extinction. Many animals are being threatened by a human that’s why they become endangered. The World Conservation Union has calculated that 40% of the animals today become endangered. Many countries have laws to follow to avoid those animals from being threat and harmed by humans. These laws forbid humans to hunt, and to kill endangered animals. Some of the endangered animals are sent to different wildlife conservation for their protection and safety from any harm. And also to make sure that their specie will expand and become dominant.
Some of the examples why animals become endangered:
1. Deforestation- destroying the forest and converted it into land to build different structures. So animals lost their natural habitat in the forest. And also they lose their source of food. When it happen, animals died and become endangered then they will extinct.
2. Illegal logging- the harvesting and transporting of logs without any permission to the government. It is one of the reasons why animals become endangered. Trees are one of the most sources of food animals need for everyday living.
3. Natural Calamities- It is also one of the reason why animals become endangered because if there’s a calamity happen, some animals hasn’t evacuated and causes them to die.
Some of the examples of endangered animals:
· Is the fastest land animal. They can run as fast as 112 km/h.
· But they are endangered because most of hunters killed cheetah for its skin.
· And also because of deforestation, they lost their natural habitat that unable them to live longer.
Blue Whale
· It is the biggest marine mammal. They were abundant in nearly all oceans until the beginning of the 20th century.
· For over 40 years they were hunted almost to extinction by whalers.
· From a report last 2002; there were 5,000 to 12,000 blue whales worldwide.
· And some of the animals are being abused by humans just to earn a lot of money. I really feel upset about it because we all know that every living thing to this world has the right to live freely. And we don’t have the right to kill them without any reason. So as long as there are still animals in our nature, we should take care of them to avoid them from extinction.
EVOLUTION is the changes seen in the inherited traits of a population from one generation to the next.many theories about evolution have emerged in each period of time .as we all know, until now none of us have an accurate explanation about is still an unsolved mystery, of how we evolved from one generation to another.many biologists/evolutionists have explained their own points and studies about it,many of them failed and some were able to be part of evolution's history.speaking of which,I'd like to enumerate some of the evolutionists/biologists who made a big impact in stating their point of views about the matter.
-he was the man who first used the term"EVOLUTION"
-CATASTROPHISM is his theory,a theory now discredited,it states
that the geologic features of earth were formed by a series of sudden
violent catastrophes rather than a gradual evolutionary process.
-first man to used the term "SPECIES"
-his theory is about Adaptation and Inheritance,
inheritance of acquired characteristics is the hereditary mechanism
by which changes in physiology acquired over the life of an organism
are purportedly transmitted to offspring.
-his theory traces the progression of life from
micro organisms to civilized society.
-his theory is called the "LAMARCKIAN THEORY"
*Lamarck incorporated two ideas into his theory of evolution,in his day considered to be generally true:
- USE AND DISUSE-individuals lose characteristics they do not require or use.and develop characteristics that are useful.
- INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED TRAITS-individuals inherit the traits of their ancestors
-He dis proven Lamarck's doctrine.
-he concluded that changes in an individuals lifetime do not affect its reproductive cells,thus not also affecting its off springs.
-this is the title of the book he wrote containing his theory of evolution that changed biology like no idea ever had.
- THERE IS VARIATIONS WITHIN POPULATIONS;it just says that in a population there is a lot of difference,from size to skills and a whole lot more.
- SOME VARIATIONS ARE FAVORABLE;meaning some differences are advantageous.
- MORE YOUNG ARE PRODUCED IN EACH GENERATION THAT CAN SURVIVE;need i say more?(self explanatory. :])
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"Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forget its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring."
-William Alexander-
* I am very inspired for what William Alexander says about the Earth! For me...Earth is human's hope for better future. Earth is a great foundation to success and peace but why we humans always keep destroying our home, Earth? Why we always kill someone that is innocent for our needs and pleasure! Why Destroy when we could create? Earth is a place or simply our apartment as the world where we live!
*I entitled it as *--X--Think--Shown--* because our Earth needs us even animals and plants but why do we need to abuse our resources for money, pleasure, wealth and excess needs! Why people always destroy the environment and nature? According for some presidents around the world needs to destroy the nature in order for advancement and progressive! I am CON with that statement because for me...In order to have a progressive and a success economy....we need to help the nature to grow, plant trees and lessen of killing animals! Always prioritized that were only living in the Earth and the Earth is not ours! We only share! that's my views about my beliefs why we live here on EARTH.
For now... EXTINCTION in some species is not very far! many species are endangered and many of them are killed by hunters and human for money and food! Here in the Philippines, I watched a documentary film about endangered species like the philippine armadillo in Palawan....Philippine Squirrel....and the Philippine Duck
which was very bad for me because I saw in the picture that the philippine duck were killed by the soldiers for practice target! I am very mad at them because they don't think about of others they think about themselves and I hate it very much! You can help the Earth and there is a great possible that someday you will help IT!

*In the future.....there only 2 phenomenon that could happen! our world will explode or will live forever! Dont let our World would be extinct! Coz extinction is next to death! and Death is hopeless! So lets help together! plant trees and other good ideas in the way we could help mother nature!